A “source” in Wonka is a provider of data. It provides data to a “sink” when the “sink” requests it. This is called a pull signal and for synchronous sources no time will pass between the sink pulling a new value and a source sending it. For asynchronous sources, the source may either ignore pull signals and just push values or send one some time after the pull signal.
transforms an array into a source, emitting each item synchronously.
Wonka.fromArray([|1, 2, 3|]);
import { fromArray } from 'wonka';fromArray([1, 2, 3]);
transforms a list into a source, emitting each item synchronously.
Note: This operator is only useful in Reason / OCaml where lists are a builtin data structure.
This is otherwise functionally the same as fromArray
Wonka.fromList([1, 2, 3]);
takes a single value and creates a source that emits the value and
completes immediately afterwards.
Wonka.fromValue("a value");
can be used to create an arbitrary source. It allows you to make a source
from any other data.
It accepts a function that receives an “observer” and should return a teardown
function. It’s very similar to creating an Observable in zen-observable
The function you pass to make
is called lazily when a sink subscribes to the
source you’re creating. The first argument observer
is a tuple with two methods:
emits a value on the sinkcomplete()
ends the source and completes the sink
The subscriber function also needs to return a teardown
function. This function
is called when either complete()
is called and the source ends, or if the source
is being cancelled, since the sink unsubscribed.
In this example we create a source that waits for a promise to resolve and emits values from the array of that promise.
let waitForArray = () => Js.Promise.resolve([|1, 2, 3|]);let source = Wonka.make((. observer) => {let (next, complete) = observer;let cancelled = ref(false);let promise = waitForArray();Js.Promise.then_(arr => {if (!cancelled^) {Array.iter(next, arr);complete();}}, promise);() => cancelled := true;});
import { make } from 'wonka';const waitForArray = () => Promise.resolve([1, 2, 3]);const source = make(observer => {const { next, complete } = observer;let cancelled = false;waitForArray().then(arr => {if (!cancelled) {arr.forEach(next);complete();}});return () => {cancelled = true;};});
can be used to create a subject. This is similar to make
having to define a source function. Instead a subject is a tuple of a source and
the observer’s next
and complete
functions combined.
A subject can be very useful as a full event emitter. It allows you to pass a source around but also have access to the observer functions to emit events away from the source itself.
let subject = Wonka.makeSubject();let { source, next, complete } = subject;/* This will push the values synchronously to any subscribers of source */next(1);next(2);next(complete);
import { makeSubject } from 'wonka'const subject = Wonka.makeSubject();const { source, next, complete } = subject;/* This will push the values synchronously to any subscribers of source */next(1);next(2);next(complete);
will turn a DOM event into a Wonka source, emitting the DOM events
on the source whenever the DOM emits them on the passed element.
Note: This source is only available in JavaScript environments, and will be excluded when compiling natively.
open Webapi.Dom;open Document;let element = getElementById("root", document)->Belt.Option.getExn;Wonka.fromDomEvent(element, "click")|> Wonka.subscribe((. click) => Js.log(click));
import { pipe, fromDomEvent, subscribe } from 'wonka';const element = document.getElementById('root');pipe(fromDomEvent(element, 'click'),subscribe(e => console.log(e)));
transforms a promise into a source, emitting the promisified value on
the source once it resolves.
Note: This source is only available in JavaScript environments, and will be excluded when compiling natively.
let promise = Js.Promise.make(1); /* Just an example promise */Wonka.fromPromise(promise)|> Wonka.subscribe((. x) => Js.log(x));/* Prints 1 to the console. */
import { pipe, fromPromise, subscribe } from 'wonka';const promise = Promise.resolve(1); // Just an example promisepipe(fromPromise(promise),subscribe(e => console.log(e))); // Prints 1 to the console.
transforms a spec-compliant JS Observable into a source.
The resulting source will behave exactly the same as the Observable that it was
passed, so it will start, end, and push values identically.
Note: This source is only available in JavaScript environments, and will be excluded when compiling natively.
import { pipe, fromObservable, subscribe } from 'wonka';// This example uses zen-observable for illustrative purposesimport Observable from 'zen-observable';const observable = Observable.from([1, 2, 3]);pipe(fromObservable(observable),subscribe(e => console.log(e))); // Prints 1 2 3 to the console
If you’re using Reason in a JavaScript environment and you’re interested in this operator, you may be using a library to create or get Observables.
Some libraries don’t expose Observables with the same BuckleScript type signature
that Wonka uses to type them. So while Wonka’s observableT
type is fairly
lenient it may not work for you.
type observableT('a) = {.[@bs.meth] "subscribe": observerT('a) => subscriptionT};
To work around this you can create a function that casts your observable type
to Wonka’s observableT
type yourObservableType('a);external asObservable: yourObservableType('a) => Wonka.observableT('a) = "%identity";
This snippet would create an asObservable
function, which can type-cast your
Observable type to Wonka.observableT
and compiles away completely.
transforms a spec-compliant JS Callbag into a source.
Since Wonka’s sources are very similar to callbags and only diverge from the specification
minimally, Callbags map to Wonka’s sources very closely and the fromCallbag
is very thin and mostly concerned with converting between the type signatures.
Note: This source is only available in JavaScript environments, and will be excluded when compiling natively.
/* This example uses the callbag-from-iter package for illustrative purposes */[@bs.module] external callbagFromArray:array('a) => Wonka.callbagT('a) = "callbag-from-iter";let callbag = callbagFromArray([|1, 2, 3|]);Wonka.fromCallbag(callbag)|> Wonka.subscribe((. x) => Js.log(x));/* Prints 1 2 3 to the console. */
import { pipe, fromCallbag, subscribe } from 'wonka';// This example uses the callbag-from-iter package for illustrative purposesimport callbagFromArray from 'callbag-from-iter';const callbag = callbagFromArray([1, 2, 3]);pipe(fromCallbag(callbag),subscribe(e => console.log(e))); // Prints 1 2 3 to the console.
creates a source that emits values after the given amount of milliseconds.
Internally it uses setInterval
to accomplish this.
Note: This source is only available in JavaScript environments, and will be excluded when compiling natively.
Wonka.interval(50)|> Wonka.subscribe((. x) => Js.log(x));/* Prints 0 1 2... to the console. *//* The incrementing number is logged every 50ms */
import { pipe, interval, subscribe } from 'wonka';pipe(interval(50),subscribe(e => console.log(e))); // Prints 0 1 2... to the console.// The incrementing number is logged every 50ms
This is a source that doesn’t emit any values when subscribed to and immediately completes.
Wonka.empty|> Wonka.forEach((. value) => {/* This will never be called */()});
import { pipe, empty, forEach } from 'wonka';pipe(empty,forEach(value => {/* This will never be called */}));
This is source is similar to empty
It doesn’t emit any values but also never completes.
Wonka.never|> Wonka.forEach((. value) => {/* This will never be called */()});
import { pipe, never, forEach } from 'wonka';pipe(never,forEach(value => {/* This will never be called */}));